Buildings have always been one of the most secure investments, but did you know that buildings could be made profitable, and yes, healthy places to live in and work too?
All you need to do is – Go, Green
Incorporating excellent practices that result in environmental protection, water conservation, energy efficiency, and usage of recycled products and renewable energy, is termed as going green. In the long run, these practices are extremely healthy for the bottom line and the occupants of a Green Building as well.
A Green Building is environmentally responsible, profitable and a healthy place to live and work. Green Buildings ensure that waste is minimized at every stage during the construction and operation of the building, resulting in low costs. Green Building applies to both existing and new constructions, from simple commercial spaces to large development projects.
Benefits of green building
Green Buildings offer a range of economic and environmental benefits:
30% to 40% reduction in operation cost
Green corporate image
Health and safety of building occupants
Enhance occupant comfort
Improve productivity of occupants
Imbibe best operational practices from day one
Incorporate the latest techniques and technologies
Typical features of green building
Sustainable sites
Measures to prevent erosion of soil
Rainwater harvesting
Landscapes to reduce heat islands
Water efficiency
25 – 30% reduction in usage of portable water
100% recycling of wastewater
Water efficient landscaping
Energy and atmosphere
Use of world-class energy-efficient practices
30% reduction in energy over normal buildings
Use of on-site renewable energy
Materials and resources
Storage and collection of recyclables
Reuse of building materials
Use of certified wood
Indoor environmental quality
Use of low VOC content material (paint, carpet, syllables)
The system controls to maintain IAQ
Champion the process
New practices need a champion. Take a leadership role. Get your building internationally rated.
Step 1: a feasibility study
The objective of the feasibility study is to explore, evaluate and
Methodology of achieving Green Building Rating recommend:
Benefits that can accrue
Implementation of the certification process
Assessment of additional investment and time required to achieve Green Building Ratings
Step 2: implementation of the rating process
Overall facilitation
Integration with architects, builders, HVAC and other consultants
Detailed training for the building project team
Facilitation of documentation process
Monitoring of building performance YOU KNOW?
Buildings use 40% of the world's total energy, 25% of wood harvested and 16% of clean water
People spend 90% of their time indoors
Air quality inside buildings is 2 – 5 times worse than that outside
Green buildings – the value of well-being
Green Buildings increase occupant performance by 6 – 26%
Green Buildings can reduce respiratory diseases by 9 – 20%
Green Building occupants have 15% less absenteeism compared to those in other buildings
With the increasing threat on our planet earth caused by depleting resources & increasing emissions, it is pertinent that all our future buildings should be designed to function as “Green Building”